Toy Fox Terriers

  • The Toy Fox Terrier is the AKC's 148th breed.

  • The Toy Fox Terrier is an American breed, resulting from a cross of Fox Terriers with toy breeds such as the Miniature Pinscher, Italian Greyhound, and Chihuahua.

  • The Toy Fox Terrier was developed in the 1930's.

  • The crossbreeding that created the Toy Fox Terrier calmed the feisty terrier disposition of the Fox Terrier to create a milder toy breed.

  • The Toy Fox Terrier is also known as the AmerToy.

  • Originally, the Toy Fox Terrier idea was conceived after runts were born in Smooth Fox Terrier litters (Smooths being brought over from the UK in the 1870's). Crossbreeding over the years created the new breed.

  • American Kennel Club

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